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Work Experience:

One of the keys to my success as a LIMS Validation Consultant, is my diverse work experience. 

Fresh out of college with a B.S. in Chemistry, I worked as a bench chemist in the R&D Drug Metabolism Laboratory of Pennwalt Corporation's Pharmaceutical Division in Rochester, New York. As a research chemist, I specialized in HPLC methods development and the analysis of biological samples for preclinical/clinical trials and toxicological studies. 

My interests gravitated toward laboratory automation, leading me to pursue a M.S. in Computer Systems Management while at the same time taking on the responsibility of managing a Chromatography Data System for all research laboratories at Pennwalt. Discovering a true passion for laboratory automation, the natural progression was to work for the vendor of laboratory automation software including Chromatography Data Systems (CDS) and Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS). 

As a Senior Project Manager at Beckman Instruments Laboratory Automation Organization in Allendale, New Jersey, I designed and implemented LabManager LIMS and PeakPro CDS in the United States, UK and Europe. 

As a Senior LIMS Consultant at Hewlett Packard and Agilent Technologies in Piscataway, New Jersey, I designed and implemented ChemLMS/QC Client LIMS, developed and delivered custom training courses and excelled in the areas of technical documentation, system validation and compliance.

The next natural progression along my employment journey was to combine all of the skills and experience acquired - bench chemistry, system management, system design and implementation, training, documentation, validation - and venture out on my own.

In January 1999, I launched a consulting business and have since been providing specialized LIMS Validation Consulting services. Click on 'Services Provided' for a detailed description of the services provided, 'Projects' for the companies that I have worked with and 'Applications' for the vendor applications that I have validated.

Having worn all the hats and walked in all of the shoes, I bring a unique asset to each of my projects. I am able to speak the language of all project members - bench chemists, system administrators, IT, QA, vendors, business owners, managers - and quite often I serve as the interpreter between each!

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